Saturday, November 29th, 2014

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Inch to Millimeter

Inch to mm chart

AWG to Inch Conversion

Convert AWG (American Wire Gauge) to Inches

4/0 0.46000 20 0.03200
3/0 0.40960 21 0.02850
2/0 0.36480 22 0.02530
1/0 0.32490 23 0.02260
1 0.28930 24 0.02010
2 0.25760 25 0.01790
3 0.22940 26 0.01590
4 0.20430 27 0.01420
5 0.18190 28 0.01260
6 0.16200 29 0.01130
7 0.14430 30 0.01000
8 0.12850 31 0.00893
9 0.11440 32 0.00795
10 0.10190 33 0.00708
11 0.09070 34 0.00631
12 0.08080 35 0.00562
13 0.07200 36 0.00500
14 0.06410 37 0.00445
15 0.05710 38 0.00397
16 0.05080 39 0.00353
17 0.04530 40 0.00315
18 0.04030 50 0.00099
19 0.03590